Chrome 74 released with 39 security and new functionality

Google released Chrome 74 on the Stable desktop channel to download now for everyone. This version remedies many security vulnerabilities and adds additional features such as reduced movement preferences and feature policy updates.

Users in Windows, Mac, and the Linux desktop may upgrade to Chrome by using Settings > Help > About Google, and the browser will check for the new update automatically and install it, if and when available. This upgrade is done.

Google Chrome 74
Now that Chrome 74 is being promoted to the Stable channel, Chrome 75 is Beta, and Chrome 76 is Canary.

In that release, many expected to finally link the Chrome Dark Mode to Windows 10 Settings in Color. This feature is still not in place in my tests, unfortunately.

The Chrome 74 Change Log lists all changes in this version, and additional details on developmental functions can be found on the Google Chrome Developers platform.

High security problems have been resolved

The update to Chrome 74 also included 39 safety fixes, none of them Critical, but five of them High Seriousness.

Other security solutions to Chrome 74 were detected using the use of tools like AddressSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, Undefined BehaviorSanitizer, Control Flow Integrity, libFuzzer, and AFL.

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